I'm excited to introduce to you our gorgeous Filigree Lariat Ends!😍
These elegant pieces allow you to create timeless new styles and designs by easily pairing them with the 10 Way Necklace and other accessories from the Maria Nicola collection.
Available in yellow gold, silver and rose gold, they definitely add a touch of glamour to any look!
Watch Maria present the different ways to style with the Filigree Lariat Ends.
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(Video Transcript)
Hi everyone. I hope you're well. I am so excited to show you what has just arrived. We've got Filigree Lariat ends. Look at these, you've got yellow gold, and silver, and I am wearing the rose gold. Already got it on, couldn't help myself. So let me show you a couple of styling ideas to work with these, um of course once you get started, it just keeps going as we know with the 10 Way Necklace range but um, here's one style here.
So I've got a long strand, the Teal Crystal. I've threaded I'll show I'll undo it and work backwards. When you're undoing or designing, please leave your Lariat ends as a thing to put on last, simply so you're not dragging things through the sparkle rings around other pieces and you're avoiding as much wear and tear as possible, okay?
So all I've done is I've got the long strand, doubled it up, put on a Sparkle Ring which is also a recent launch. There, it's just beautiful. And then I'm going to add actually what I might do as well, I'll grab some mini connectors. I just happen to have some Sea Green ones here which will look kind of similar.
Okay right now, I'm going to put one Lariat end at the end. If one doesn't stick, that was just potluck that it didn't, put the other one there. You know this one will stick to this one. Okay, and then you can just thread it through. I always aim for the balls, the um the lariat ends and magnets in general, to be a little bit staggered. A, it avoids them kissing and sticking together and B, especially with Lariat, I feel like it's just the way it was intended for it to sit. I love the off-center, I love the staggered finish and it's just beautiful. It allows each piece to be its own piece rather than, and I mean you may like this that's fine, that kind of effect.
Okay, so that's it. So there's one idea for a long strand then. Okay again, removing the ends I can easily thread through the other pieces then. If I have it long, if you're wanting
more of a long style I'm just going to remove the Sparkle Ring and the mini connector. Now, this is lovely, simple, so easy to wear. So again, your Lariat ends on the end staggered. Okay, and then something as simple as one of our chain extenders, either in the middle, up high, wherever you like, doubled up around, and done at the front.
And what's super cute, is that the magnet looks like a bit of a feature at the front, and it ties in with the colors that are appearing at the end. So that's really really cute there. And then let me show you. I mean look, this goes on and on like I said, we, you can add these to the link range. So let me show you with a couple of links.
I'm going to grab two white ones. I've got two white links here, one long one short, one regular, one longer, yeah.
And I'm going to put them on. So once you've got them on, you can then start to play. So say for example, you want to put a sparkle or I can um a pendant, where these two meet oh it's not going to work because of the necklace at the back.
Okay, puppies here today she's having a little cry, you want to say hello? Here we go. Hang on. Having a cry? What's the matter? Whoops. What's the matter, Rox? What's wrong? She's so cute. She's 12 years old, I know she's done well, and I brought her into work because she was hassling people that are doing work from home. Okay give me, no she's like I feel so weirded out I can't even tell you. All right, all right.
So then back to these, now Lariat ends on the end here, and whether I can't see that, so cute you can even double it up. Okay like we did before. That's adorable, don't you think it's cute, Rox? So weird having a dog in the office it's so strange I can't even tell you.
Okay look at that, so there's the chain extender there. There they are there, and that's really nice, and that's not going anywhere. Okay so that's super cute.
And one last little idea. So very very handy to have a mirror here with so many moving parts. Now, um let's have a little look-see. Right. Now, these are good magnets aren't they? They really want to stick. All right now here we go. Right, gotcha okay. So these ones off let's do something with the Rose Gold. I'm going to grab the Satin Rose Gold 10 Way Necklace, okay. So there goes that beautiful. Let's play with the yellow gold Sparkle Ring neck uh Sparkle Ring pendant. Double-sided, that's new as well. I'm going to put that over here, remove the triple strand, I'm going to thread this through carefully. You want to thread them through carefully, especially that it's Satin metal. Okay and then wear it like that. Now if I grab the yellow gold, that can go there, that can go there.
As I said before, once you start playing, you can then start to muck around with the length of where everything is hanging. So you can either make this ah that's a good idea okay, actually kind of cute. Oh here we go. Longer. And you can even … ha! Well that's a bit cute!
Well there you go. A whole different little idea that's adorable! All right, well there you go. New designs, new styles, making it up as we go along. And I hope you like our new gorgeous Filigree Lariat ends. They're available now.